Graph of extreme heat events in Australia

A scientist discusses climate change with Craig Kelly

In 2018/19, retired scientist and Hughes resident, Murray Scott, had an email discussion with Craig Kelly about climate change. Mr Kelly responded with a document titled Anomalous Climate.

Murray, with help from two of his colleagues, then prepared a document where he responded to Mr Kelly’s document.

We wanted to offer others the opportunity to read this thoroughly-prepared document.

As Murray makes clear in his introduction, they “are not global warming scientists, but rather researchers (retired) with very long publication lists in several other research fields”.

“As scientists, we are trained in the scientific method to determine the truth of a proposal by examination of the experimental evidence. But we are not specialists in global warming and reliant on background reading in this field”.

Murray’s conclusion

“This review of the presented data shows no convincing refutation of the anthropogenic global warming now occurring. Data for some claims is irrelevant or non-data, other secondary data is too dependent on multiple parameters. In some cases inappropriate or incomplete primary data are compared, like “production” with “yield”, which give false facts. In many cases considerable effort was required pursuing the original source of the data.

What at first glance, looks like an argument against anthropogenic global warming, is found on critical review, to support the prevailing scientific view. This topic is multifaceted and open to misinformation. As such, only a thorough scientific review can have any hope of penetrating the evidence to find the real truths underlying climate change and global warming in Australia. Neither I, nor my contributing advisors, are qualified in the many specialities required to perform such a review.”

Read the document

You can check out this document in two ways:

  1. Download a PDF version (24 pages, 2.4 Mb) or read it online.
  1. We’ll gradually publish Murray’s responses to the claims as separate pages, listed below.

Responses to claims